Some Challenging Ideas For Fast Systems Of Textile Testing
An In-depth Examination Of Secrets Of

{{article.article.images.featured.caption}} Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. The author is a Forbes contributor. The opinions expressed are those of the writer. This story appears in the {{article.article.magazine.pretty_date}} issue of {{article.article.magazine.pubName}}. {{article.article.magazine.subscription_text}} Can insecticide-treated clothing help prevent tick bites? (AP Photo/Chuck Burton) Your clothes may repel others. When it is people at a party or on a date, that can be bad. When it is ticks (at a party, on a date, or anywhere else), that can be very good. Because ticks suck in many ways. A study recently published in the Journal of Medical Entomology showed how certain types of clothing can really affect ticks. Before you ask whether the study involved dressing ticks in little pants and jackets, this study focused on how clothing from Insect Shield that is supposed to be worn by humans may affect different species of ticks. For the study, Robert Prose, Nicole E Breuner, Tammi L.
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